Phone: 202-359-6141 Fast, Fair and Effective Conflict Resolution

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Beyond Dispute Associates believe that, as peacemakers, we have a responsibility to contribute not only money but time and service to our community.

Carolyn Parr co-founded The Servant Leadership School ( and Joseph’s House (, where she served as first President and was a Board member for six years.  She recently completed a six-year term on the Board of The Family Place (  She has given free trainings at the Conflict Resolution Center of Montgomery County, MD (, Family Place, Jubilee Jobs, and elsewhere in Spanish and English.  She is a founding member and active volunteer with Mediators Beyond Borders ( and hopes to go to Latin America in 2010.  Carolyn is an Advisor to the Spragens Tax Law Clinic at American University Law School and has been a VITA volunteer, preparing tax returns for low-income Spanish speaking taxpayers.  She draws inspiration from The Festival Church, a small, inclusive, faith community dedicated to social justice.

Sig Cohen’s community activities includes being founder of the Hill Havurah (, a Jewish spiritual community located on Capitol Hill in Washington DC..  As a Board member of the Capitol Hill Group Ministry (, an interfaith coalition of congregations and individuals serving low-income and homeless families from across the District of Columbia, he chairs the Ministry’s Housing Advocacy Committee.  This group seeks to improve conditions for public housing and low/no income tenants who are at risk of losing their accommodations.  Sig is also a founder of the South Washington/West of the River Family Strengthening Collaborative ( and serves as a Community Emergency Response Team Member also in Washington, DC.

"It's hard for me to think of anyone who would be better qualified to do conflict resolution!"
- Donald C. Alexander, former Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service